The original British version debuted on 4 September 1998 on the ITV network, hosted by Chris Tarrant, who presented his final episode on 11 February 2014 after which the show was discontinued. The maximum cash prize offered in most versions of the format is an aspirational value in local currency, such as one million pounds in the UK or 75 million rupees (7.5 crore) in India. In its format, currently owned and licensed by Sony Pictures Television, contestants tackle a series of multiple-choice questions to win large cash prizes in a format that twists on many game show genre conventions – only one contestant plays at a time, similar to radio quizzes contestants are given the question before deciding whether to answer, and have no time limit to answer questions and the amount offered increases as they tackle questions that become increasingly difficult. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? is an international television game show franchise of British origin, created by David Briggs, Mike Whitehill and Steven Knight. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire – Play It! (U.S.) Scores composed by Keith and Matthew Strachan Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (see International versions) Sony Pictures Television (2008–present).
2waytraffic (2007–present, in-name-only unit of Sony Pictures Television).